Burning socks is fun!!!
No real point to this but when drunk burning sox might be entertaining.
Burning socks is fun!!!
No real point to this but when drunk burning sox might be entertaining.
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Ice cream anyone?
I can't believe that he kept on licking it. How very nice.
Lol, I'm so tempted to reupload this to a movie about penises at this review XD
I was thinking why did the blue squirrel kill the pink one? Was it 'cus that was the last Marshmallow? The graphics were good but the sound was lacking. Also, There was not point to it and it didn't even seem real funny. I gave this decent marks but I hope in the future to see better stuff from ya that I can give higher marks.
yeah, the pink one was going for the last marshmellow
So LSD is the reason that it takes them 13 episodes just to complete one fight. Thought this amusing.
Just wondering how much crack the worker smoked though. Oh well, good job on the music the best I have heard in a while. Keep it up this was not bad.
probably a lot. Tnaks!
Nice surprise ending
Loved the little fight. The only thing that I saw that was wrong with it was the sound of the tank falling came long before the tank started to fall. Oh well, May have been a fluke on my browsers part. Good job you get a 5 for the late holiday cheer.
heavyleavy99 and folks like him please burn in hell. Thanks to you NG is overrun with shit that makes the system slow and tells me little bout the focus of the web site, the SWFs on it. You guys must be pathetic to think that you are gaining any respect this way.
The "falling" sound intentionally began as soon as the tank began to tilt over.
I say, let's go and burn some effigies of heavyleavy99 and folks like him! 'Tis the season!
The Walter Mitty of Newgrounds.
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Lakewood, CO
Joined on 10/10/03